Boquete Hospice & Health Foundation
Helping Hands • Caring Hearts
Being Prepared in Boquete for End of Life
Being Prepared in Boquete for Life & Death
New Guide Just Published
A brand-new updated and simplified Guide is available for a suggested donation of $ 10 at Mail Boxes Etc., phone 720-2684. New additions include complete contact information for Boquete Clinics and ambulances and a new section with a simple at-a-glance resource page to show you step by step what to do and who to call when somebody dies. We are also including definitions of medical terminology and how to make end of life decisions that represent your personal choices and conform to the laws of Panama in your Durable Power of Attorney for medical care.
Whether you are a resident, snowbird, or visitor, you will want to understand the local services and legal requirements if you find yourself in a health situation: simple or critical and life-threatening.
We at Boquete Health and Hospice are here to serve you and our community. We know this is difficult emotionally and logistically.
We want to make the REALITY. . .we all WILL die. . . as simple as possible for you.
Be Determined to BE PREPARED. . .
and this is how you start.
The materials presented are the HEAD stuff to handle in advance so at the end of life, you and those around you can focus on the HEART of issues. By completing these details, you will have peace of mind to continue on to live an abundant life and a very full and joyful life here in Panama.
Working through this laborious mind boggling making me crazy and depressed creepy paperwork will. . . . .
Put your “affairs” in order.
Usher you into legal compliance with Panama.
Provide some control as you have chosen to live/die outside your passport country.
Most importantly. . . this gives you peace of mind!
To purchase your Guide as a book (shown above) visit Mail Boxes Etc., in Boquete, phone number 720-2684.